Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New Adventure

So, I have obviously neglected this blog.. Not good. Anyway, I did start a new one. It's kinda like an online journal. I really want to lose weight and get in better shape. I am hoping documenting the journey will help keep me accountable. As hard as it will be, I am going to be totally honest and open. And if anyone wants to be my helper and make sure I post regularly, you'd be an angel. :) I am working on my first post for it now. Hoping to post every night after the kids to to bed. And honestly, I don't really care if anyone reads it. It is more for me, to try to keep myself on track. But if someone does read it, yay for that too. Maybe I can be lucky enough to inspire someone. Might even post recipes and workouts I love. We will see how it evolves. I'm not really sure what its going to be yet beyond a journal. Anyway, it's late, and I'm rambling. G'night, and thanks for reading. :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013


I just wanted to share the super cute photo book I made of our bitty man on Shutterfly. I love it and can't wait for it to come!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

I had to try to share this! :)

My mother in law sent me this, but it's too great not to share with everyone I can! And I don't have everyone's email... So I had to post it here! :) Enjoy!
This is wonderful…and the thought at the end is so true!

Never look down on anybody, unless you're helping them up.
Please read the following quietly then send it back on its journey

To realize
the value of a sister/brother
ask someone
who doesn't have one.

To realize
the value of ten years:
ask a newly
divorced couple.

To realize
the value of four years:
ask a graduate.

To realize
the value of one year:
ask a student who
has failed a final exam.

To realize
the value of nine months:
ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize
the value of one month:
ask a mother
who has given birth to a premature baby..

To realize
the value of one minute:
ask a person
who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
the value of one-second:
ask a person
who has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.
treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
you can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member:


Hold on tight to the ones you love!

Send this to friends & family to whom you wish a good, long, happy, life

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Ok, so I made the onesie, but I think I need to fine tune it a bit before I can make a decent tutorial. but I did find this super cute one that I used as inspiration! I'm trying to find a shirt I could use for this one!Hope you enjoy!
Make a Baby Romper From a T-Shirt

Monday, October 18, 2010

New Project!!

I know it's been a while, yet again.. But I have been inspired! I am going right now to attempt to turn a small, but very cute women's tee into a super cute onesie type thing for Kaiden. I'm hoping to make a good tutorial from it as well. Let's see how it goes. Wish me luck! And hopefully later today or sometime soon.. it'll be up on here! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's been a while...

Ok, I realize it's been a while since I posted anything.. Not too sure it matters since I only have a few subscribers, but sorry anyway! :) I haven't been crafting quite as much lately because we've been busier and have been preoccupied trying to buy a house!! :D As if you didn't already know, since it's about all I talk about lately.. Anyway, there should be some fun stuff to post about if everything goes well and we move in next month! We're going to give Kaiya the pink fairy princess room she wants, and Kaiden the super cute monkey/jungle room I want him to have! :) Also, Woody said I can pain the cabinets in the kitchen all garden-ie, so that'll be fun too!! I'm getting so excited!! Making that house our home is going  to be SO MUCH FUN!! Our inspection is Saturday, so I will have pictures up shortly after. Those will be the  "before" pictures... anyway.. We're still hoping for the best. I will try to find something more interesting to put up here shortly. Gotta go now, we have to go sign papers for the house!! :D

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Cocoon Pattern is here!!

Ok, so I worked pretty hard yesterday trying to get the pattern converted, and finished it late last night. :) It's not exactly the same, but it is pretty close. One major difference is I didn't have the buttons to put on it, so mine is buttonless.. Though I was thinking if making a few crochet star buttons or something cute like that... That'll have to be another post later.

So, I used Bernat Baby's Breath yarn and I bought 2 skiens and ran out just a few rows from the end... Hence the fuzzy feet on mine. And these pictures were just taken with my phone using my daughter's "babies" as models.. Haha. I'll have to get better pictures later, I'm just so excited I got it done, I wanted to post it!
It doesn't have a hood, but depending on how you snuggle your lil' one up, it can go up around their head. :)

So, here it is!

5 st and 4 rows = 2 inches All in SC
I actually figured out the gauge conversion to put on here, but I don't think it's totally necessary as it didn't always seem to match up as I worked the pattern, but here it is anyway. :)


CH 61  It should measure about 20", but if it's a little off, don't worry about it. it'll still be fine.

Row 1:SC in 2nd Ch from hook and each st across.
Row 2: Ch 2, Hdc in each stitch across.
Repeat row 2 21 more times, until your piece measures about 10" from top to bottom. This is going to be the flaps at the top. Then, fold in half and join to the Ch 2 of the beginning of the row you just worked to form a ring. PLace a marker where you joined and move it up at the end of each round finished. Do not join.

Row 24: HDC in each st around.
Rnd 25: Hdc 7, Sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 26: SC all stitches
Rnd 27: Hdc6, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 28: sc all stitches
Rnd 29: Hdc5, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 30: sc all stitches
Rnd 31: Hdc4, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 32: sc all stitches
Rnd 33: Hdc3, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 34: sc all stitches
Rnd 35: Hdc2, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 36: sc all stitches
Rnd 37: Hdc1, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round 
Rnd 38: sc all stitches
Rnd 39 Hdc1, sc2tog* repeat from * to end of round
Finish off leaving a long tail to weave the small opening closed. Much like you would to make the top of a stocking hat. If there is still a small opening, you can leave it or simple stitch it closed. Now, it's as complete as the one I've made so far. Here's some more pictures.. Then about the buttons..
This is what it looks like laid out. You can even see my whoopsie on the edge of the flap.. Oh well.. 
One way to wrap a baby up, even without the buttons!
Another wrapping idea.

Now, the knitted directions said to sew the buttons on at about 3.5 and 7" from the top edge, but said nothing of button holes. I have an idea for this, but I haven't gotten to test it yet, so I'll have to add it on later. But here is a basic pattern. If you have any questions, feel free to comment, and I will do my best to answer them. Thanks for reading!!